What Is Swine Flu, Symptoms, Cause & Prevention

Swine flu is a type of virus infection that was spread from PIG to humans and now this disease spreads from person to person, swine flu is also known as swine influenza or swine epidemic, swine flu is characterized by a high respiratory rate. Also known as an infectious disease, this virus causes runny nose, cough, loss of appetite, and behavioral discomfort, Swine flu disease began in 1930 and the World Trade Organisation declared the world swine flu free in 2010.


The symptoms of swine flu are similar to the symptoms of influenza flu, the symptoms of swine flu are as follows:-

  • FEVER:- A patient infected with swine flu gets a fever and fever is a common symptom of swine flu disease.
  • HEADACHE:– A patient infected with swine flu has to fever along with a headache.
  • RUNNING NOSE:- Swine flu patients have frequent runny noses and swine flu patients’ runny noses are also a common symptom.
  • SORE THROAT:- The swine flu patient also has a sore throat.
  • SHORTNESS OF BREATH AND COUGH:- The patient with swine flu has difficulty in breathing and coughing, as well as the patient also feels a sore throat.
  • LOSS OF APPETITE:– There is a decrease in the appetite of the patient with swine flu and the patient has a feeling of hunger.
  • DIARRHOEA:– Swine flu patients also get diarrhea.
  • WOMEN:– Apart from all these symptoms, swine flu patients also have vomiting.
  • GETTING COLD:- Swine flu patient also feels cold
  • SNEEZE:- Swine flu patient often sneezes


  • Swine flu disease is caused by a virus called H1N1.
  • This virus first infects the trachea of pigs and the later virus spreads to humans, due to which many symptoms are seen in humans.
  • The swine flu virus spreads from an infected person to other people even from a distance of about 6 feet.
  • The swine flu virus is spread to other people through coughing, sneezing, and coming close to an infected person.


  • Washing hands frequently to prevent swine flu.
  • One should not touch the face, one should resist all kinds of temptations to touch any part of the face.
  • Gargling with salt in warm water should be done at least twice a day.
  • Clean your nose once a day by adding salt to warm water
  • Substances containing vitamin C should be consumed so that the natural immunity of the patient can be increased after.
  • The patient with swine flu should consume hot water so that by drinking hot water, the virus of the throat goes into the stomach and he cannot survive it.
  •  Swine flu patients should consume more and more fluids like tea and coffee etc.
  • Avoid overcrowding in case of cold and stay at home and take maximum rest.
  • Avoid consuming starchy (potatoes and rice) and sugary foods
  • try to be comfortable and relaxed
  • 2 to 3 basil leaves should be consumed daily
  • Use a handkerchief while sneezing and coughing


Some studies by health professionals have shown that some people may be more prone to swine flu disease than others.

  • Swine flu is a risky illness for people with pneumonia
  • These diseases are also risky for pregnant women
  • Also heart patients and diabetic patient
  • Swine flu is a risky disease for people above 65 years of age and below 2 years of age


After showing the symptoms of swine flu, a test should be done to check it and if the person comes swine flu positive then the patient should be treated as soon as possible, if the treatment of swine flu is done the early stage then it is completely treated is possible.

  • According to the instructions of NICD, when symptoms of swine flu are observed, the patient should be given medicine within 48 hours.
  • In the disease of swine flu, the antiviral drugs Oseltamivir, Tamiflu, and Fluvir are given to the patient, this medicine is given to adults as well as children.
  • Antibiotics are not given for swine flu disease because it is caused by viruses like pain, fever, etc.


In the case of swine flu disease, the patient is advised to eat plastic food and is also asked to abstain. The patient with swine flu has to increase immunity, for which the patient should consume fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, in swine flu, the patient should eat only home-cooked food, as well as the patient should be fried, spicy, and sugary. Substances should not be consumed, the symptoms of swine flu can be followed by the consumption of these substances.

Swine flu patients should also make whole grains a part of their diet because these substances contain many phytochemicals and essential minerals like zinc which are helpful for swine flu patients.


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